Privacy policy

General provisions

The administrator of your personal data processed on the website („Website”) is LCC Ninja SP. Z O.O. KRS ……., REGON ………., NIP ………, ul. zzzzz 14A, 02-000 Warszawa (mazowieckie).

In all matters related to processing of Your personal data, please contact us by email at [email protected] or in written form by mail: LCC Ninja SP. Z O.O. ul. zzzzzz 14A, 02-000 Warszawa (mazowieckie).

Processing of personal data

We process your personal data obtained on the Website, mainly through appropriate forms available on the Website and to the extent resulting from them, in order to:

  • performance of a contract to which you are a party in connection with purchase of our service or in order to take steps at your request prior to entering into service purchase contract – with respect to users of the Website who registered an account or used a service through the Website (Article 6 (1) (b) of Regulation on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (Data Protection Directive) (“GDPR”)),

  • reply to your inquiry made by email or contact form, including inquiries related to Controller’s business, his offer or any clarifications thereto as well as terms of cooperation (Art. 6.1.a of the GDPR);
  • answers to questions asked via e-mail or contact form, including questions and issues regarding the Administrator’s business activity, presentation and explanation of the Administrator’s offer and terms of cooperation (Art. 6.1.a of the GDPR);
  • marketing, including sending a newsletter, as our legitimate interest, such information shall only be send to you upon your consent for electronic communication (Art. 6.1.a of the GDPR);
  • for archival (evidence) purposes, which are the implementation of our legitimate interest in securing information in the event of a legal need to prove facts (Art. 6.1.a of the GDPR);
  • for analytical purposes (better selection of services to the needs of our clients, optimization of service processes, building knowledge about our clients, etc.) being the implementation of our legitimate interest in this interest (Art. 6.1.a of the GDPR);
  • determining, claiming of protecting our claims related to the use of the Website, as our legitimate interest (Art. 6.1.a of the GDPR).

Podanie danych jest dobrowolne, ale niezbędne do realizacji zawartej z Tobą umowy w związku z rejestracją w Serwisie lub skorzystaniem z usługi z jego wykorzystaniem, realizacji Twojej prośby o kontakt lub otrzymywanie materiałów marketingowych. W każdej chwili przysługuje Ci prawo do wycofania zgody, ale jej wycofanie nie wpływa na zgodność z prawem przetwarzania dokonanego w czasie, gdy ją posiadaliśmy.

Ponadto, przysługuje Tobie prawo wniesienia sprzeciwu wobec przetwarzania Twoich danych, które realizujemy na podstawie prawnie uzasadnionego interesu. W takim przypadku przestaniemy przetwarzać Twoje dane osobowe, chyba że będziemy stanie wykazać, że w stosunku do tych danych istnieją dla nas ważne prawnie uzasadnione podstawy, które są nadrzędne wobec Twoich interesów, praw i wolności, lub dane będą niezbędne do ewentualnego ustalenia, dochodzenia lub obrony roszczeń.

Your rights

Each person whose personal data we process has the right to access their data, rectify it, as well as request their deletion, limit their processing, object to their processing, including objection to processing for marketing purposes, as well as transfer them in the case of processing on the basis of consent granted to us or in order to perform a contract concluded with that person.

Should You decide to exercise any of your rights set out above, please contact us by email at [email protected], or in written form by mail: LCC Ninja SP. Z O.O. ul. zzzzz 14A, 02-000 Warszawa (mazowieckie).

If you have any doubts regarding the processing of your personal data by us, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority.

Data recipients

We do not share data collected via the Website with third parties, with the exception of subcontractors verified by us, to whom we can entrust your data in order to operate the Website, provide services related to tax settlements or related to other providers of accounting, legal, advisory or solutions services. IT. Personal data may also be made available to the purchaser of rights to the Website.


We have implemented solutions on the Website that ensure a high level of protection of your data, including an SSL certificate and an IT system of the Website that meets high standards of personal data protection.


While browsing the Website, in accordance with your consent and browser configuration, one or more cookies may be saved on your device (end device) by us or a cooperating company (our subcontractor). Please read the information below about cookies and how we use them.

Cookies are small files that are placed on your computer’s hard drive when you visit certain websites. They contain information about your device and usually do not contain any personal data. These files cannot be used to infect your device with viruses or other malware.

In cookies, we store basic, anonymous information about users (e.g. identifier) and data to improve the comfort of using the Website, needed to optimize and correctly display the content contained on websites and advertising campaigns. Personal data collected using cookies may be collected only to perform specific functions for the user. Such data is encrypted in a way that prevents access to it by unauthorized persons.

As a user of the Website, you can stop providing this information to the Website at any time by deleting cookies saved on your end devices by the Website. To do this, you need to change the settings of the currently used web browser.

It is also possible to configure your browser to block the installation of cookies for specific websites you have selected or for all websites. However, such settings will result in the loss of some functionalities of the Website that require the use of cookies. In accordance with the requirements of the Telecommunications Law, confirmation of consent to the use of cookies is deemed to be the configuration of the browser allowing the placement of cookies on the computer.

Final Provisions

This Privacy Policy serves as general terms and conditions of contracts within the meaning of the provisions of the Civil Code. We reserve the right to change this Privacy Policy, in particular due to changes in law, changes in technology or the way the Website operates. The current text of the Privacy Policy is always available on the Website. Additionally, if you register on the Website, we will inform you about changes to the Privacy Policy by sending information by e-mail.

If any provision of the Privacy Policy is deemed invalid by a final court decision, the remaining provisions of the Policy remain in force.

The Privacy Policy is subject to and will be interpreted in accordance with Polish law.